Category Archives: books

Putting On My Writer Hat

Got My WRITER Hat On!

Got My WRITER Hat On!

I was having a discussion the other day with a writer friend and she mentioned writing triggers.  The little, quirky things that we writers do to get prepared to write.  For some it’s putting on the right (write) music, having their favorite beverage on hand, or sharpening all your pencils so you’re ready to go.

I told her that I literally put on my WRITER hat and go to work.  Yes, I have a WRITER hat. That’s me wearing the darn thing in the photo (heck yeah I filtered that thing!) .  It’s like putting on my uniform.  It’s a signal to those in my family that I am currently at work.  It might look like I’m staring aimlessly out into nothing but I am actually working (and you can’t prove otherwise).

Whenever I wear it out of the house at least one person will ask me about my writing which acts like a double bonus for me.  They usually want to know where I got it.  Well I got it from Writers Store Along with way too many other things to mention (oh if you insist chat pack, software, writing books, moleskins, etc.).

The Writer Hat

The Writer Hat with no filter

My friends at Writers Store have agreed to offer at 10% discount for readers who want to acquire their own WRITER hat.  coupon: AFF10CODE17 This code is valid through March 31st so get over to the Writers Store and get yours today!

The links are affiliates but it won’t cost you any extra. Use coupon code AFF10CODE17 at checkout for 10% off this awesome hat!


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Filed under Authors, books, Writers, writing

The 21st Century’s Literary Legacy


Sometimes when I sit alone too long in my room I start to wonder things that might be a little too existential for some people, but I still wonder.

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays Book Cover Literary LegacyFor instance, this morning I was reading about The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson and I wondered in a hundred years will there be a book that’s called The Blog Posts of Stacy Verdick Case?  I mean isn’t that what I’m doing here? Creating short essays for you to mull over. While it would be so cool that people might be thinking of me posthumously is this a good representation of me or my writing. Um, probably not.

What are the literary foibles of our generation that will make it into the next century? Blog posts? Facebook status updates? Tweets? Google plus updates?

There are books of Tweets now like The Twits: Real Celebrities. Real Tweets. Real Funny. (really?).  Will our culture be judged by 120 character observations?  Will be judged by Kim Kardashians Selfie book? twits book cover Literary LegacyAnd if we are, will it be noted as the beginning of the decline of our civilization? Like we judge the fall of Rome at the point when they valued beauty before all things?

Maybe I shouldn’t be left alone for extended periods of time.  I’m not sure it’s healthy for me to ponder these things.  Now at least I’m not alone.  I bet you’re thinking about it too now.


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Stacy Verdick Case is the Author of the Catherine O’Brien mysteries and the host of the MyTalk 107.1 Podcast The Not Boring Book Show.

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Filed under books, Random Musing, Writers, writing

Write Your Novel In 5 Easy Steps

A woman writing in a libraryHow do you write a novel?  I get asked  this a lot as if the person asking is looking for a magic formula. Unfortunately, there is no magic.  Writing a novel is hard work, plain and simple.  But I do have a few tips that can help smooth the edges of the process a little.  Here are my top 5 tips to get your novel writing on track.

1)  Find your writing spot – every writer needs a space to write.  For some it’s an office in this home (lucky them), for others it’s a commandeered corner of their home.  Stephen King famously wrote Carrie at a makeshift desk in the laundry room.  Read more about that here.

2) Pick your writing time– You will need to know what time of the day you write best. If you’re more creative in the morinigns get up and hour early.  If you’re more creative in the evenings go to bed an hour late. If you can write anytime great! Grab time as often as you can.  You have to make time to write, it doesn’t just appear and when you do guard that time like gold.

3)  Gather Your Writing Tools – This is so important to the writing process. Computer, pen, pencil, music . . . whatever you need to write.  Have it ready and with you so once you start writing you don’t have to stop. You can waist a lot of valuable writing time running for this that and the other.

4) Sit Down and Write – It sounds simple but I know too many want to be authors who do anything but write. Shut the door.  Turn off the internet.  Marshal all your concentration.  Focus on just your story and don’t stop writing until you reach your writing goal for the day.  Do not stop to edit before the whole story is written.  You might never get the whole story told.

5) Have Faith – This is so important especially when you’re starting out.  Have faith in yourself because you will hear negative outside voices (and some times inside) when you chase a dream.  Tune them out and keep going one page at a time.

 For More on writing your novel check out these articles:

1001 Chapters: Lessons Learned From Scheharazade

Five Tips to Keep Pace In Your Fiction

I Quit! A Writers Journey

Launch Your NaNoWriMo Novel Value Pack at Writer’s Digest Shop

Stacy Verdick Case is the Author of the Catherine O’Brien mysteries and the host of the MyTalk 107.1 Podcast The Not Boring Book Show.



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Filed under books, Writers, writing