Tag Archives: Reading

Do Not Disturb Reader Inside

Girl-Reading-books-to-read-64022_1528_1920More than anything I want more time to read. Don’t get me wrong, I read every day, but my reading comes in choppy chunks usually between “tantrums”, “diaper changes”, “honey where’s the”, “what’s that burning smell”, and “oh no!  the toilet just over flowed” moments. What I dream about is a luxurious block of uninterrupted time.

Ah, that would be heaven.

A nice sunny spot with a wide soft chair I can curl up on with a warm blanket. Someplace where I can close the door and shut out the real world so I can concentrate on the world of the story.

A girl can but dream!

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Filed under Dreams, reading

Suffering from Genre Incest?

So many books have had a profound impact on readers.  These books become instant classic because of the ability to connect with their reader but for writers so many books that will never be mentioned on any best seller or favorite’s books of all time lists are the ones that left a lasting impression.

For me I remember the first time I read a book with an ambiguous ending.  The author hadn’t wrapped up the story line in a neat little happy ending; instead, he’d left the outcome to the reader’s imagination.

My initial reaction was you can’t do that.  Which eventually morphed into, “You can do that?”

I thought about those characters for a long time after reading that book.  I speculated on their fate and I had others read the book so we could discuss the ending.

These kinds of books are learning moments for writers.  I adore reading a book with one of these moments.

Even a poorly written book can give a writer a learning moment.  I remember one such book that irritated me so badly I wanted to throw it across the room.  Shortly after I identified on of the things I considered irritating in my own work.  I eliminated it immediately.  I’m so grateful to the author of the bad book for shining light on my own problem.

Traditional thinking says read everything you can in your genre but most of my revelations have come when I read outside my genre.  Genre incest is one of the reasons genres get stale for so many readers (IMHO).  Like a painter with only one color, there is nothing new or innovative.  If you are a one genre reader, I would ask you to broaden your pallet and see what you can discover.


Filed under Authors, books, fiction, reading, Writers

Read an eBook Week Starts March 4th!

Hi All,

I’m happy to let you know that I will be participating in Read An Ebook Week starting Sunday March 4th! Here’s the skinny:

March 4-10.  For one week only, thousands of Smashwords will provide readers deep discounts on ebooks, with coupon code levels for 25%-off, 50%-off, 75%-off and FREE.

How the Program Works:

At one minute past midnight Pacific time on March 4, a special Read an Ebook Week promotion catalog will appear on the Smashwords home page.  Readers can browse the catalog and search by coupon code levels and categories.  At the stoke of midnight Pacific time on March 10, the catalog disappears.

Don’t miss your opportunity to get A Grand Murder at a 50% discount! Click over to Smashwords starting tomorrow and get you copy!

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Filed under books, discounted ebooks, ebooks, fiction, reading